Prepare masterfully: Sencha tea dosage and infusion secrets

Imagine a quiet morning when the first rays of sunlight gently shine through the window and bathe the world in a warm, golden light. In your hands you hold a cup of Sencha tea, its steaming aroma filling the air and promising a moment of calm and contentment.

Sencha is not just a drink, it is an invitation to enjoy the here and now and feel a deep connection to Japan's rich culture and tradition. In this blog post we take you on a journey that is more than just making tea - it is a journey of discovery into the world of senses, taste and the subtle nuances that make Sencha tea a true masterpiece.
Let's lift the veil together that covers the secrets of perfect Sencha tea preparation and discover how you can enjoy not just tea, but a story full of aroma and tradition with every cup.

Sencha tea

What is Sencha Tea?

Let's start our journey with the question: What exactly is Sencha tea? This green gold of Japan is much more than just a drink - it is a symbol of harmony, respect, purity and silence. These four principles are reflected in every cup of Sencha, brewed with carefully selected leaves. Sencha, which literally means "steamed tea", differs from other green teas in its special processing. The leaves are steamed immediately after harvest to stop fermentation. This preserves the vibrant green of the leaves and creates a rich spectrum of flavors, ranging from sweet to astringent.

The basics of preparation

Making Sencha tea is an art form that can be mastered by anyone with the right knowledge and a little practice. The key to a perfect infusion lies in paying attention to a few basic aspects:

  1. The choice of water : Water is the heart of every teacup. Soft, slightly oxygenated water brings out the best properties of Sencha.

  2. The water temperature : Sencha develops its full aroma at a water temperature of around 70-80 degrees Celsius. Water that is too hot can make the tea bitter.

  3. The teapot : The choice of teapot can also have an impact on the taste of the tea. Traditional Japanese Kyusu teapots are ideal for making Sencha.

Sencha tea

Dosage of Sencha tea

The right dosage is crucial for the perfect enjoyment of your Sencha tea. Here are some guidelines for finding the optimal balance:

  1. General dosage : About 5 grams of tea leaves are usually enough for one person. This is approximately equal to a heaped teaspoon.

  2. Adjust to personal taste : Depending on whether you prefer your tea stronger or milder, you can slightly increase or decrease the amount of tea leaves. Experimentation is the key here.

  3. Reusing the leaves : Sencha leaves can be infused multiple times. With each infusion the taste changes slightly, resulting in a complex tea drinking experience.

The perfect infusion

After you've measured out the right amount of tea leaves, it's time to brew:

  1. Preheating the teapot and cups : Pour hot water into the teapot first and then into the teacups to preheat them. This helps keep the temperature constant during the infusion.

  2. First infusion : Place the tea leaves in the preheated teapot and pour over the water that has cooled to the recommended temperature. Let the tea steep for about a minute.

  3. Enjoying the infusion : Pour the tea into small cups, making sure the last cup is just as strong as the first. To do this, distribute the tea evenly.

  4. Other infusions : Sencha can be infused multiple times, with each infusion producing a different character of the tea. For each subsequent infusion, reduce the steeping time slightly.

Sencha tea

Secrets and tips from tea masters

To refine your Sencha tea experience, here are some insider tips from tea masters:

  1. Balance between bitterness and sweetness : Sencha is known for its delicate balance. Start with shorter steeping times and experiment to find your ideal flavor.

  2. The importance of leaf quality : High-quality Sencha offers a richer taste experience. Pay attention to the origin and freshness of your tea leaves.

  3. The art of re-infusion : With every infusion, new flavor nuances emerge. Change the steeping time and water temperature to discover different flavor profiles.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Mistakes can also occur when preparing Sencha tea. Here are some common mistakes and how you can avoid them:

  1. Water temperature too high : Water that is too hot can burn the tea leaves and result in a bitter taste. Stick to the recommended temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius.

  2. Overbrewing : Steeping times too long can also make the tea bitter. Pay attention to the recommended steeping times, especially for the first infusions.

  3. Improper storage : Light, air and moisture can affect the quality of the tea. Store your sencha in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Sencha equipment

Additional uses of Sencha

Sencha tea is not only a wonderful drink, but also offers a variety of uses in the kitchen:

  1. Cooking with Sencha : Use Sencha tea leaves to flavor rice dishes or noodles, or add ground Sencha to your favorite cake recipe.

  2. Sencha Iced Tea : Perfect for hot days. Brew the sencha stronger than usual and then cool it with ice cubes. A refreshing variant that preserves all the flavors.

  3. Cocktails and Mocktails with Sencha : Experiment with Sencha-infused cocktails or non-alcoholic mocktails to offer your guests unique taste experiences.

Sencha tea cup


The world of Sencha tea is rich and diverse. Whether it's about perfect preparation, avoiding common mistakes or creative recipe ideas - there is always something new to discover. By mastering the art of making Sencha tea, you open the door to a world full of taste, tradition and enjoyment.


Finally, we answer some frequently asked questions about making Sencha tea:

  1. How many times can I reuse Sencha tea leaves?

    • Sencha tea leaves can be brewed multiple times, with the taste changing with each brew.
  2. Can I cold brew Sencha tea?

    • Yes, Sencha is great for cold water brewing, resulting in a less bitter and refreshing tea.
  3. What is the best way to store Sencha tea?

    • Store Sencha tea in an airtight container away from light, air, and moisture to preserve freshness.